Shadowless Lamp |
Suction Machine (Neonatal) |
Oxygen Cylinder and Mask |
Foetal Toco Cardiograph |
Radient Warmer |
Phototherapy Unit |
Infantometer |
Vacuum extractor |
Foetal Doppler |
Instruments for labour and Episiotomy (Scissors, forceps, needle, holder etc.) |
Foetoscope |
Autoclave |
OT tables with head up and head low facility |
Pulse Oxymeter |
Boyle's apparatus |
Electrocautery |
MTP Suction Machine |
Anaesthesia Kit |
Blunt and Sharp Curettes |
Dilators set (Hegar's, Hawkins) |
Sim's Speculum |
Spot light (Shadowless ceiling fitted) |
X-ray View Box (double) |
Probes - Assorted size |
Abdominal Retractors |
Urethral Dilators |
Rubber catheters of Assorted size |
Metal Cathetors |
Barron Pile's Gun |
Laryngoscope Pediatric/Adult |
Multiparameter Monitor |
Ambu Bag |
Suction machine Electrical or Manual |
Emergency power back up facility |
BP Handle of different size |
Vertical BP Instrument |
Self-Retaining Retractor |
Bone cutter |
Periasteum elevator |
High Pressure Autoclave |
Fumigator |
Refrigerator |
Hydrolic Operation Table |
Proctoscope with or without illumination |
Essential Equipments and Instruments |
Auto Refractometre |
Split Lamp |
Sterilizer |
X- Ray View Box
BP Apparatus
Weight and height measuring stand
Knee Hammer
Instrument for anorectal examination
Surgical Blades
Bull's Lamp
Cusco's Speculaum
Measuring Tape
Examination Table
Tongue Depressor