Instruments and Equipment’s

  • Central sterilisation unit
  • Gynecological Minor Procedure unit
  • Shadowless Lamp

    Suction Machine (Neonatal)

    Oxygen Cylinder and Mask

    Foetal Toco Cardiograph

    Radient Warmer

    Phototherapy Unit


    Vacuum extractor

    Foetal Doppler

    Instruments for labour and Episiotomy (Scissors, forceps, needle, holder etc.)



    OT tables with head up and head low facility

    Pulse Oxymeter

    Boyle's apparatus


    MTP Suction Machine

    Anaesthesia Kit

    Blunt and Sharp Curettes

    Dilators set (Hegar's, Hawkins)

    Sim's Speculum

  • Ano Rectal Clinic
  • Spot light (Shadowless ceiling fitted)

    X-ray View Box (double)

    Probes - Assorted size

    Abdominal Retractors

    Urethral Dilators

    Rubber catheters of Assorted size

    Metal Cathetors

    Barron Pile's Gun

    Laryngoscope Pediatric/Adult

    Multiparameter Monitor

    Ambu Bag

    Suction machine Electrical or Manual

    Emergency power back up facility

    BP Handle of different size

    Vertical BP Instrument

    Self-Retaining Retractor

    Bone cutter

    Periasteum elevator

    High Pressure Autoclave



    Hydrolic Operation Table

    Proctoscope with or without illumination

  • shalakya Examination unit -

    Essential Equipments and Instruments

    Auto Refractometre

    Split Lamp


    1. X- Ray View Box

    2. BP Apparatus

    3. Stethoscope

    4. Thermometer

    5. Weight and height measuring stand

    6. Knee Hammer

    7. Instrument for anorectal examination

    8. Surgical Blades

    9. Opthalmoscope/fundoscope

    10. Auroscope

    11. Bull's Lamp

    12. Cusco's Speculaum

    13. Measuring Tape

    14. Gloves

    15. Examination Table

    16. Tongue Depressor