Rituvamana 2025
Conducted by Dept of Panchakarma for staff and students

Transitional curriculum 2024

Induction ceremony and transitional curriculum of 45th undergraduate batch of Vaidyaratnam P S Varier Ayurveda College was inaugurated by Dr. K Muraleedharan, Additional Chief Physician and Trustee, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal on 1st November, 2024. This was followed by a fourteen days of interactive sessions by eminent personalities from various fields. A three day spoken Sanskrit workshop "Vadatu Samskritam" was included in the transitional curriculum. The programme was concluded with a talent show performed by the students.

Ayurveda Day 2024

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Anti - Ragging Awareness Programme - 30/08/2024

Prajnanam 23 - National Seminar on Applied Neurology – Traversing from the brain to the mind

Prajnanam 23 - National Seminar on Applied Neurology was organized for 2 days in the Conference Hall of Hotel Rydges Inn on July 13 and 14 2023. Dr P.M Varier, Managing trustee and Chief Physician, Arya Vaidya Sala , Kottakkal inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. This was followed by a Keynote address by Dr A. K. Manoj Kumar, Registrar KUHS who stressed on the need for understanding of disease pathology based on cell injury and Ayurvedic concept of srotas. In the first session, Dr Bindu. K. K, Professor and HOD, Dept of Rachana Shareera gave a brief overview of the differe nt parts of the brain with special reference to cortical areas, their blood supply and applied aspects. This was followed by a live demo session in which the specimens of the brain were recorded and projected. Rare specimens like brain with spinal cord, brain with eyeball, optic nerves and optic chiasma, brain with pituitary gland, specimens showing various layers of meninges, ventricles and cortical areas were neatly and effectively presented. The second session handled by Dr Uma Karthik, Professor and HOD, Dept of Kriya Shareera explained the areas of the brain related to higher mental functions like learning, intelligence, functions of limbic system, memory and sleep. The third session was on the chemical nature of behaviour and emotions and was taken by Dr Anandalakshmy. K. N. Professor and HOD, Dept of Kriyasharira, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram. The faculty explained in detail about the hormones and chemicals involved in our interactions and their relation with the triguna. The second days programme began at 9.15 am with the session on Exploring the neuroanatomical and physiological coordinates of memory and dementia by Dr Lakshmi Krishna MD, DM (Neuro), Consultant Neurologist, Manipal Hospital, Bangalore. The session dealt in detail about the different types of dementia and the ways to differentiate between them clinically. The next session was on the Importance of localization of stroke in its management. The class was handled by Dr Jomon Joseph Daniel, Senior Medical Officer, Dept of ISM who gave a lucid explanation of the diagnosis and prognosis of different kinds of Cerebro Vascular Accidents. The final session of the seminar was taken by Dr P.N Ravindra, Associate Professor, Centre for Consciousness studies, Dept of Neuro-physiology, NIMHANS, Bangalore on the topic Sleep disorders and an update on sleep researches. The faculty gave a very effective and graceful talk which helped the delegates to understand the physiology of sleep and the role of sleep hygiene.