Post Nos Permanent
Teaching  2 2
Non-Teaching Nil Nil
SlNo Name Designation DOJ Qualification
1 Dr.Sudheera.S Professor 16/02/2012 BAMS, MD (Ay)
Infrastructure Details
Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana department a) Separate building for Rasasastra & Bhaishajya kalpana Department
b)Two Practical halls for conducting Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana practicals for second year BAMS students and paramedical students
c)Two rooms for teaching staff
d)One practical room for heating purpose (using blower)
e)One raw drug storage room
f) Two toilets in the Dept
g) One OPD room in hospital
h)one computer with printer available
Museum For displaying raw drugs specimens and samples of practicals conducted
Facility Details
Equipments   Equipments required for conducting Rasasastra & Bhaishajya kalpana practical classes as per syllabus
Instruments instruments required for conducting Rasasastra & Bhaishajya kalpana practical classes as per syllabus
Machineries Machineries required for conducting Rasasastra & Bhaishajya kalpana practical classes as per syllabus
Charts 52 charts 
Models 10 models
Raw drug specimen 150 specimen 
Department Library 149 books
1.Theory and practical classes for both second year BAMS students and paramedical students
2.Examination duties-Internal and external examiner
3.Valuation of answer scripts
4.Question paper setting
5.Classes for PG students - Topic related to Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana
6.General classes for house surgeons
7.Assignment works
8.Correction of practical records
9.Conducting term examinations General Activities 1.Three GMP certified pharmacy visit for each second year BAMS batch students
2.CME participation
3.Workshop participation
4.Training programme participation 
5.Participating in common seminar
Dr.Sudheera.S , Assistant Professor, department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana  , VPSV Ayurveda college As a resource person
1.Pharmaceutical preparations by using locally available medicinal plants-one day training programme at RATTC thaliparamba, kannur
2.Ayurvedic formulations in the present scenario- one day training programme for agricultural officers, Kannur
3.ATTM programme conducted by parassinikkadavu ayurveda college, kannur
Paper presentation and participation
  • International seminar
  • 1.Pharmacology, pharmacognosy and pharmaceutics research in Ayurveda at GAF, Calicut 2.World Ayurveda Congress on Meladies and remedies of over weight and obesity at SDM ayurveda college, udupi 3.Soushruthi-International conference -participated 4.On textual tradition of ayurveda at sree sankaracharya university of sanskrit kalady, kerala
  • National level seminar
  • 1.Seminar on yakritvikara at SDM ayurveda college, udupi 2.Seminar on safety profile of ayurvedic medicines with special reference to rasoushadhis. 3.National level quiz competition and seminar on rasasastra- jaitram 4.Samsidhi 2016, A national seminar on dosha prathyaneeka and vyadhi prathyaneeka chikitsa 5.Participated in AYURCAN ayurvedic oncology 6.Participated in RITU SAMEEKSHA
  • State level seminar
  • 1.Participated in a state level seminar on Bheshajam- prakalpanam
  • Re-orientation Programme
  • 1.Attended in the re-orientation training programme held at SDM ayurveda college , Udupi for Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana Teachers.
    Workshops Attended
    1.standardisation of kashaya kalpana held at Kannur.
    2.workshop on research methodology for ayurveda college teachers at VPSV ayurveda college, kottakkal
    3.workshop on upcoming doctors- yoga vicharam. Speciality formulation in ashtavaidya tradition
    4.samanvaya-state level workshop on dravyagunavijnana
    5.workshop on ayurvedic teaching methodology at DKBVS
    Training programmes attended
    1.ICH good clinical practice- conducted by clinfound clinical research services, kochi. day training programme on Epidemic management at academy of medical sciences, pariyaram
    3.Training programme at CMPR conducted by ICMR and AYUSH on Drug developments
    4.Level 2 part 1 education training programme conducted for the students of department of Indian medicine, chair of integrative medicine, university Duisburg-Essen Mitte, essen, Germany at VPSV ayurveda college , kottakkal.

    Short term course 1.In Disaster Management at university grant commission Academic staff college, kannur university.
    Chaired and co-chaired various seminars
    Attended various CME.
    PUBLICATIONS Article published 1.Effect of Abraka bhasma with different anupana
    2.Action of Mruthyunjaya rasa in jwara
    3.Role of ahara and vihara in the prevention and management of Cancer.
    4.An effective kashaya yoga for kamala from dhanwanthari nighantu
    5.Jeemuthaka nasya in the management of kamala